Amazon Store Building & Design
Brand: Dots for Spots
Products: Acne Patches (24 pack & 60 pack)
Category: Beauty & Personal Care
Country: US & UK
step 1: I Curate the Brand for Amazon
While working at Thrasio (parent company to over 250 digital businesses that own 1 in 4 of every product on Amazon), I designed Amazon storefronts, product pages, modules, and listing photos for the Beauty & Personal Care category. I managed the creative work of over 28 brands and 280 products. 

When Tharsio acquires a brand in the Beauty & Personal Care category, it's my role to realign its branding for consumer recognition, trend-specific marketability, and creative position amongst other competitors in the category. 
step 2: I Design the Product Listing Page
Each parent product in your brand gets an Amazon product page. This page is an opportunity to showcase listing photos, consumer reviews, modules, and more.
Listing Photos
(There was no production budget for this creative lift. I designed everything using stock photography, mock-ups via Photoshop, illustrations via Illustrator, and existing photos.)
Product Modules (Amazon A+ Content)
The larger your brand is on Amazon, the more access you'll have to various creative modules. Some brands have basic module options like full-sized banner images, comparison charts, product carousels, etc. Bigger brands have access to create UX-enabled modules like hotspot banners (my personal favorite to design) and videos. Dots for Spots has access to basic module options, which are exampled below.
step 3: I Design the Storefront
Each brand that you have on Amazon gets a storefront. An Amazon storefront is similar to the homepage on a DTC website. This page is an opportunity to showcase product carousels, image banners, modules, and more.
I also Build & Design Etsy Stores
Brand: Empress House of Design
Products: Downloadable Designs for Makers
Created and owned by Emma
To learn more about the makings of Empress House of Design, check out this blog...

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